Germany is a world of majestic palaces, charming villages, and cutting-edge cities brimming with cosmopolitan delights. Known as the land of “Dichter und Denker” (poets and thinkers), Germany is an epicenter of artistic innovation and thought-provoking conversations. Famous for world-class musicians like Wagner and Bach, opera, theater, and classical music are popular, easily accessible, and inexpensive.

Develop fluency in the German language and cultures by staying with a host family and attending school at a local Gymnasium, Realschule, Gesamtschulen, or Stadtteilschulen. You’ll be a vital part of your host family and community. You’ll be so much more than a tourist.

Things to Know About Germany

You’ll be able to explore this enchanting country. During your high school study abroad in Germany, you might scale or ski the Bavarian Alps. You could also marvel at medieval fortresses or Renaissance palaces recently converted into modern hotels, restaurants, or museums.

Germans are generally direct communicators, valuing honesty and openness. They also tend to be punctual and orderly, so you can expect trains and buses to arrive on time. If you’re environmentally-conscious, you’ll appreciate Germany’s emphasis on recycling and conservation!

Your High School in Germany

You’ll most likely attend a college prep school called a Gymnasium, but you could also be enrolled in a Realschule (which only goes up to grade 10), Gesamtschule (a comprehensive public school), or Stadtteilschulen. In Germany, students usually go to school Monday through Friday, though in some areas they also go to school on Saturdays. High school in Germany usually begins around 7:30 or 8:30 am and ends by 2 pm. The relationship between students and their teachers is usually both friendly and respectful in Germany.

Even if your teachers are casual, they will expect you to come to class on time, complete homework in a timely fashion, and participate actively in class.

Because most German students don’t attend high school in the afternoon, many teenagers are involved in local sports clubs (Verein) or music lessons. Most host families will encourage you to participate in after-school activities – they’re a great way to make friends and learn about German culture

Your Accommodation while Studying Abroad in Germany

AFSers have lived in communities all throughout the country, but you’re most likely to be hosted in a small town or rural area. Family life and social order are important in Germany, but so is independence. You can count on the support of your host parents while also getting the chance to explore on your own.

Like anywhere in the world, all families in Germany are different. Most are industrious, thrifty, and organized. Many Germans like to discuss politics, sports, culture, philosophy, or the environment, so you should be prepared to share your opinion. Deep and wide-ranging intellectual conversations are generally preferred over small talk. And, again, direct and honest communication is common and appreciated. Be open with your host family and you should learn a lot and find a respectful mutual understanding.

Program duration

September 2024 – July 2025